"And who knows but that maybe you were made for such a time as this.." - Esther 4:14
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Where our feet may fail..
It has been so long since I've updated this and for many many different reasons.. It has been an entire 2 months since I last wrote, but the amount of things we have done since then is hard to put into words.. July was a very busy month of work and packing! We moved into our new apartment on Wedneday the 24th and then went to Westcliffe that weekend for a family reunion. It was such a great time to get to see Jason's Family and all of my family and extended family. We spent some time fishing, eating hamburgers, and taking story with family. Sunday my Mom, Alissa, and Jason's Mom threw a baby shower for us with some friends from home. It was such a fun time to see people we hadn't seen in quite a while and Baby Frink got some adorable clothes and tons of bed time story books:) We drove back up here Sunday night and were back to the grind stone monday and tuesday with work. Tuesday afternoon brought news that we didn't expect to hear and would hope to not have to hear for quite a while. We found out that Jason's dad had passed away Monday night in his sleep. The next two weeks were full of not only mourning the loss of somebody so close to us, but just trying to figure out all the things that had to be taken care of. Jason spent a week and a half in Westcliffe with his brothers taking care of things and spending some quality time with his family. I spent that week and a half driving to Westcliffe for a few days, back Ft. Collins for work, and then back to Westcliffe for the service, and back to Ft. Collins the next morning for work again. It was such a blessing to see family we hadn't seen in years or had never even met before. We have been so surrounded and blessed by friends and family in prayer and support, it has been amazing. Sometimes timing is so hard to understand, and circumstances don't make any sense to us, but it is so comforting to feel God's presence continually through everything. Jason drove back up here last Sunday and this week we have been trying to get back in the swing of things with work and preparing for school and our little man to get here.
Baby Frink is doing wonderful.. Safe and healthy as ever. He's weighing in around 4 lbs. right now and is about 17 inches long! He is moving constantly which is just a mind blowing miracle in itself, but also not very conducive to sleeping. "My feet hurt" has taken on a WHOLE new meaning due to carrying around all this extra weight and the extra blood pumping through them, but it is a small price to pay for the beautiful baby that will result from a few months of an aching body and swollen feet. We have been so blessed with great check-up after great check-up and can only pray that the doctors continue to tell us he is healthy and growing and acting normal. We toured the hospital and I know this sounds crazy, but I can't wait to be there giving birth to our little guy!!! We had another baby shower in Fort Collins yesterday put on by one of our lovely friends and it was so great:) We are so blessed by people that care about us, and care about our little man that they haven't even met yet! The love and support is humbling. So here we are 9 1/2 weeks away from meeting our baby (fingers crossed) and I could not be more excited or antsy or nervous for it to get here. I get asked about 20-50 times a day how i'm feeling, and get asked atleast that many times when I am due.. It is so neat to see how much people love babies and new life and care about it!
With all of the craziness that has consumed our lives these past two months, they have been a hard but blessed few months. This morning we sang a song at church that made me tear up (ok yes, pregnancy could be partly to blame, but probably not)... My mind has been blown by the prayer support we have received for the celebration of life and the loss that is going on right now in our lives. This song just reminded me (as if God's peace hasn't already) that God is so present in our every moment.. It doesn't matter what we may be going through whether it be good or bad. When we can't do things on our own, and our feet fail us, God is there carrying us. We can all take so much comfort in that thought.
Great Post! We are continuing to pray for your little guy and the both of you :) See you in a few weeks when we get back!