This past week was absolutely --> TOP NOTCH<-- Easter weekend was a bit different than usual. For the first time in my life, I spent Easter without my parents and my sister. I guess we are all growing up and life is getting busy, but I definitely missed out on the annual Easter egg hunt my mom puts on as well as the family time and Easter dinner with all of them. HOWEVER, I did not go family free this Easter! My Mother-In-Law came up and spent the weekend with us to celebrate her birthday as well as the Resurrection of our Lord! We spent the morning eating the most amazing breakfast at Snooze, then enjoyed Easter service at the lovely Mill City Church!
--OMG French Toast at Snooze-- |
We were also blessed with B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L weather which put us in the mood to go outside and throw the football in the sun for a while. Then we had an amazing Easter Dinner and spent the evening relaxing (in other words, not doing homework).
Matt and Koa playing Football! |
Love this guy:) |
the Frink Fam Bam! |
Our amazing ham dinner..MMMMM |
The rest of the week seemed to fly by between work and classes and here we are into week 12! This week came with some great news as far as my classes and everything are concerned. As most of you know, Jason and I were both planning on graduating from CSU in December. However, with our little nugget making his/her grand appearance the end of October, I was starting to think finishing up school in the fall may not go over so well. After talking to my AMAZING advisor, we decided that with all the unknowns, lack of sleep, and stress of having a baby mid-semester, that I should probably take the Fall 2013 semester completely off... While this isn't exactly what I had in mind going into this year, I couldn't be more excited!! Instead of December, I will graduate May 2014 and will only have to take 9 credits in the Spring(which means TONS AND TONS of baby time!!). It is so encouraging to see how God is making all of this work out.
My beautiful Easter Lilly |
Overall this week was much better than the previous weeks as far as sickness and being tired, etc. I only had 2 days that I really felt like I needed to lay on the couch for hours on end and I am experiencing a whole other level of excitement lately. I feel like the weeks are flying by and Jason and I are so excited to meet the little baby! Also, we are only a few weeks away from Trimester number 2!! Pregnancy brain is resulting in more of a "I can't remember anything that is going on ever" feeling. I feel like I don't remember what I did 10 minutes ago, I am not planning anything ahead at all (if you know me, I have my whole week planned on Monday...usually), I'm procrastinating on important-ish stuff (homework), and I'm late ALL the time! Obviously I am not myself at the moment, but I kind of like it:) The only other odd thing that is happening is cravings and food aversions, I am still not nuts about lettuce and spinach AT ALL, but fruit, nut and cheese? Get in my belly! Last night I actually woke up at about 4am and was STARVING!! So I went to the fridge at ate a cheese stick. It was delicious and I got back in bed and passed out for a few more hours. Apparently our little >LIME< sized baby was working up a storm last night. Lastly, this weekend we have been enjoying the warm weather and trying to prepare ourselves for the 6-12 inches of snow that is supposed to come on Tuesday! Hope you all have a --top notch-- week like this past one was for me:)
Wish I'd been there for Easter with you guys! Matt was telling me how amazing your food was :-)Good luck with the snow, have some hot cocoa or cider for me, hehe. Love you!