Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A piece of pie..

Well, I said that next up would be apple pie, so I did hold true to that.. I failed however on completing this one last week. My week went from a low rumble to a rip roaring river as far as craziness is concerned. We enjoyed having my mother in law here for the weekend, and then my Mom was here Tuesday-Friday. I did something crazy and decided it was time to knock out my Real Estate Broker Exams, so I signed up to do those on Wednesday. I had heard that they were hard, and I had spent the past 5 months studying to pass them - well, long story short, I DID PASS THEM. The national exam was a close call, but the state exam I passed with flying colors. What a relief - there are no words for the weight that was lifted from my shoulders when I saw the 'PASS' for my score. Then, as if that wasn't enough, my Mom and I painted Ev's room, finished painting Eli's room, and tackled the mess that was left from Eli's younger days - so may clothes all thrown into random boxes and bags. I will take notes from second time around with Ev and sort clothes as we grow out of them, not when I am preparing for the NEXT baby. Yes, I did say next... we do want more than two;)

Anyway, we spent the weekend doing some much more relaxing things like the Farmer's Market for peaches, I got a $8.50 pedicure (winning!), went to a little concert at a local park, AND then I got bit by a spider on my lip and went to the hospital to deal with that... But when all was said and done, it was a pretty great weekend with my two men. I'm starting to realize that we are down to the final weeks of it just being the three of us, and that is a little bitter sweet at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I am beyond thrilled to be having our sweet girl join us so soon, but as we go through each different stage of life, I struggle to leave behind the ones we were just in.. It feels like yesterday I was marrying Jason, then what seemed like a few days later we were bring home sweet Eli, and now we are preparing for Ev. Life is so full of adventures and I wouldn't have it any other way.

But with the new week came a much needed break from the grind stone, so Eli and I made an apple pie and had some friends over. "How To Make an Apple Pie" was one of my favorite books growing up. It is a story about a girl who decides to make an apple pie, so she heads to the market to grab a few ingredients.. Well, turns out the market is closed, so what better decision than to travel the world collecting her ingredients - Italy for wheat, Sri Lanka for cinnamon, Vermont for apples, etc etc... Maybe that book is what triggered my love for food and traveling (and the combination of them both? perfection!!). Eli may or may not have eaten a few handfuls of cinnamon and sugar covered apples, but he was by far the most fun to cook with. He insisted on dumping every cup and teaspoon of ingredients into the bowl.

Disclaimer: I haven't baked a pie in years... I'm not huge into baking actually... It is too time consuming and requires some major patience. I probably opened the oven 5 times to see if it was going to be ready early. So it didn't look like your grandmother's perfect apple pie, but let me tell you... it tasted AMAZING. And having some friends over for coffee and apple pie on a Monday morning sure didn't hurt at all either.

Check back next week for our next cooking adventure! Looks like it's time to head back to the library for our next book:)


  1. It looks delicious...and you have quite the assisstant!
    I love your blog. What a great way to keep track of things that fly by way to fast!

  2. It was a TERRIFIC pie! Thanks friends! We love you guys!

  3. This is a great post! I grew up reading that book and Apple Pie is my FAVORITE thing to make! Keep the blogs coming, I love it!
