She finally arrived! We welcomed our beautiful Evelyn Vyolette Frink on October 14th just 4 days after her "due date."
As we got closer and closer to our due date we kept thinking she could come any day, but then October 10th came and went just as my due date did with Eli. Unfortunately we were on a bit of a timeline with our newest business venture and we really wanted Jason to at least have a few days at home with our newest family member. After 4 membrane sweeps, castor oil, and all those other natural induction ideas, we decided things weren't going to get rolling on their own during our small window of time. They put us on the schedule to go in for induction on Monday night at 7:30. I got bumped from that slot and moved to 6am on tuesday.. once again I got bumped and was told to call back at 11. You guessed it.. I got bumped again and was told to call back at 3. Busy day on the birthing floor apparently! FINALLY when I called at 3, they told me to go ahead and head in. YAY! We were finally going to have a baby!!
What a different experience than my first time running into the hospital in labor. This time we calmly and excitedly loaded our things into the car, checked into the hospital, and got hooked up to the iv. My midwife showed up at 5:30 and checked me and said I was already at 3cm and 75% effaced (apparently those braxton hicks were actually doing something for the past 2 months!), so it was a good start, but she still wanted to start me out on pitocin. After 3 hours on pitocin my body wasn't responding. They like to see 4 contractions in a frame and according to the monitors I was having 6. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling them and they didn't want me to have more than that many contractions in such a short time. My midwife checked me at 8:30 and I was at 4cm. Obviously not doing what we wanted it to do. SO we decided it was time to break my water. I hopped in the tub assuming that brutal contractions would start quickly, and they did! Within 10 minutes of breaking my water I was having some INTENSE contractions! 10 minutes later I crawled out of the tub and told Jason I was done with this..."I am going to enjoy this labor, get me an epidural!" He went out to inform the nurse of my wishes and she said something I DID NOT expect to hear - "If she's asking for the epidural that probably means she's ready to push! I'll grab the midwife and we'll check her." No way, there is no way... I had been having contractions for 20 minutes (HORRIBLE contractions, don't get my wrong... but that was impossible). I dryed off, crawled into the bed, and got the news...
"You are at a 9!!! We're about ready to have a baby!!" I was shocked to say the least. The nurses and midwives hustled to get ready for baby and I started begging to push. Finally they gave me a thumbs up and after 20 minutes of pushing, our sweet baby girl came into the world at 9:42pm. What an absolute miracle. I am still in awe at what our bodies have been designed to do by our creator. Second time around is no less mind blowing, amazing, and just INCREDIBLE than the first time. To carry a baby for 9+ months and at one minute they are wiggling in your tummy and the next they are crying in your arms is a miracle that can not be described.
Little Evelyn Vyolette Frink weighed in at 7lbs 14oz and measured 19 3/4" in length. She has been the sweetest little girl from the time we layed eyes on her. All of us have completely fallen in love and can't imagine life without her. Eli is smitten and begs to kiss her and hold her ALL day long.
And I'm not nearly as outnumbered as I was before (Jason, Eli, Koa & Duke), so I'm cool with that!