Friday, January 24, 2014

Back to the grindstone..

What a busy and exciting few weeks it has been! Eli is almost 12 weeks old! Where has the time gone? I feel like yesterday my water broke! A few exciting things have been happening with our happy little baby though. First of all, I finally cleaned out his drawers that had 0-3 month outfits in them and we are officially in to 3-6 month clothes.. HE IS NOT EVEN 3 MONTHS OLD YET! I think it is mainly due to his length though.. This munchkin is going to be as tall as his daddy before we know it. Speaking of being tall, he is almost too tall for his bassinet.. Most people move their babies into the crib because it is that time.. Time to get their room back and teach their baby about living in their own room and own bed, however that will not be our excuse. We will be moving Eli to his crib in the next few weeks because his feet are kicking one end and his head is squashed up against the other end of his cozy little bassinet. (not sure how I feel about all of that quite yet:[)
Eli loves stories at bedtime. His favorite part is looking at the pictures. 

Saturday morning walks with some Mama friends:)

<3 tummy time <3

Last week Jason and I had our first date night without baby. He spent a few hours with some of his favorite people, Tom, Jess, and baby Skyler. Sounds like he was a very happy baby, and Jason and I enjoyed a meal that we didn't have to inhale because Eli needed to be fed the moment it was served:) But, after 2 1/2 hours away, I was ready to cuddle my little man again.
such a strong little guy!

E officially rolled tummy to back by himself 2 times the other night! I could not be more proud! He seemed to enjoy it too:) I started classes on Tuesday so Eli is getting to know some babysitters and seems to be doing well. He is constantly flashing smiles at them! I think this is one of those things that is harder on me than him. I count the seconds till the end of class so I can rush home and see my handsome little man. 112 days tilll graduation and I could not be more excited.
I LOVE this baby so much!
He loves frog legs apparently..

Got Mama's baby blues:)

Jason has started a new job as a Credit Analyst and he is really enjoying it! Unfortunately that means driving to Greeley every day and not getting to see him during lunch break, but we are so incredibly grateful for the ways God provides.

Sitting up like a big man! Where has my baby gone?
Our church has been doing 21 days of prayer and fasting, but since I figured I should continue to feed myself so I can feed Eli, I fasted social media for 21 days. We are coming to the end of that on Sunday. It is interesting to see how consumed and addicted I have become to Facebook and Instagram. It's like a normal part of my day, so to completely cut myself off from that for 3 weeks was hard. But it made me realize the importance of living in the moment and focusing on my life and my family. While I don't think either of those are necessarily bad, it is good to look at the amount of time you spend on them. I have felt like I had so much more time to be present with Jason and Eli and to spend with God. Filling empty moments with devotions or prayer rather than pictures and drama. Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing what is going on in people's lives now, and I can't wait to see everybody else's babies again! But also planning on minimizing the time I spend on social media.

Friday, January 10, 2014

2013... Lessons in Loss, Life and Love

 Our year in pictures
I'm PREGNANT!!! 6 weeks!

This pooch is going to be a big brother!

Spent Easter with this kid and my Frink family:)

9 weeks! 
First time seeing our baby BOY!!
Jason got baptized:)

Family reunion in May with our YWAM family!
Then off to GA for a week with my sister and brother-in-law

37 weeks.. and I continue to grow..

40 weeks... and keep growing...

Finally 1 week and 5 days late he decided to arrive:)

5 days old headed to church

The love of our life!

Our final birthing class with all of the babies

Jason graduates!!

Another birthday in the books.. Hello 23!

Lookin cute on Christmas Eve

Christmas with my family

This year was packed with blessings and lessons. We lost a very important family member and gained one. We are looking forward to all that 2014 has for us:) Happy New Year!!

---> 2 months<----

Well friends, I am officially 2 months old. Yes, time is flying! And I am LOVING it! Every day it seems like I learn something new, meet someone new, and make mommy and daddy smile just a little more. In my first 2 months of life outside I have traveled to Westcliffe 2 times for Thanksgiving and Christmas.. Thanksgiving was good and all, but Christmas was AWESOME! Everybody wanted to hold me and talk to me and smile and me, and Mommy even took me sledding! SO FUN! What has month two meant for me?

Happy New Year!!

  • I stayed awake till 11:45pm on New Years Eve.. ALMOST rang in the new year with mom and dad but I figured sleep was a better use of my time.
  • I have learned to sleep through the night : 10pm-7am every night! Mommy is totally sold, Daddy says it is God's way of convincing them to have more babies and that the rest will probably not sleep through the night.. First child;)
  • I am holding my head up like a pro!
  • I took my first round of shots like a champ! Cried for about 1 minute and then got over it:) 
  • I'm now weighing in at a whopping 14 lbs and 23 inches! Almost sumo wrestler status. 
  • I smile ALL the time and Mommy is totally melting because of it! Seriously, going to be a puddle soon if I keep it up. 
  • Still sporting the blue eyes and Mom is convinced they are going to stay blue! Looks like I have Moms eyes and Dads charm. 
  • LIGHTS LIGHTS and more LIGHTS.. I can't get enough. They are totally mesmerizing. 
That sums up my life right now. It's pretty cool being a baby.. Everybody loves me and wants to hold me! I'm not looking forward to Mom going back to school in 2 weeks because it means I have to hang out with a baby sitter, but atleast it's only for a few hours each day. Until then I'm going to keep making Mom melt and Dad proud. 
Keep it real!